Exclusive! Travel Workout With Bands


“Taking a trip? Need a quick workout to do at home?”

All you need is some basic equipment. When my boyfriend and I traveled last month we took a 12″ foam roller (super light), 2 bands, and 1 door anchor. We had a weight restricted flight so our goal was as light as possible, but still effective for a great workout!

Let’s get into the workout! We started out our morning with a 20 minute walk to the beach and back. Then we did a few warm up stretches, and set up the 1st circuit…

CIRCUIT A: Repeat 3-4 times through

1. Band Chest Presses, 10 reps

2. Plank, 30 seconds

3. Band Wide Grip Rows, 10 reps

4. Seated Cycling Russian Twist, 10 reps each

CIRCUIT B: Repeat 3-4 times through

1. Single Leg RDL (romanian dead lift), 10 reps each leg

2. Tricep Dips, 10 reps

FINISHER CIRCUIT: countdown style 10-1

1. Mountain Climbers

2. Body weight speed squats

Ok, here’s how you do the countdown. Mountain climbers: do 10 each leg, then do squats for 10, now do mountain climbers 9 each leg, then 9 squats, keep repeating until you get to 1 each. Go fast, get your heart rate up, thats what a finisher should feel like! This was a really funny finisher. Brad made up a 4 circuit finisher and was attempting to do a coundown of them ALL, and he was dying. I was dying laughing! He eventually dropped 2 exercises and kept going, super sweaty and funny!

Then we finished up with a post workout shake. We brought Bio-Whey Protein Powder with us and mixed together:

  • about 5 ice cubes
  • 3-4 pieces frozen cut banana
  • 2 scoops Bio-Whey chocolate
  • 1 T peanut butter
  • about 1c milk


So, I hope this motivates you to get in a workout when you travel. It’s so easy to take a band and a door anchor with you. You will feel AMAZING on your trip, because you know how good a workout makes you feel right? Plus, when we travel we eat more calories, fats, sugars, alcohol and end up feeling full, bloated and gross. So, go for it and make it happen, get in a fast, easy, effective workout when you are away from home!

PS: sorry I cut off Brad’s head in the photo, if you click on it you can see his sweet smiling face. I couldn’t figure out how to get the thumbnail to not cut off the top! But I guess it really is just par for the course when we are both in a photo, me being 4’11” and Brad being 6′ 🙂

PPS: Do you need a customized training program? Are you frustrated because you know you need to exercise consistently but you aren’t doing it? Click here to contact us for a FREE consultation, we can help!

2 thoughts on “Exclusive! Travel Workout With Bands”

  1. Hi Sarah,

    Sorry so long in replying. Lots to do moving toxic Mother… I wanted to thank you for your friendship and what you taught me! I am slowly losing weight and working out at the Y which is close and free and right now that’s what I can afford. I use some of the workouts you gave me.

    Hope you are doing well and thanks for the continued contact.

    You look great!

    • Yay Sally! I’m so happy to hear you are doing well. Sorry about Mom… hang in there! I miss you so much, thank you so much for leaving a comment, it brought a huge smile to my face this morning!

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